For Parents

Photos of young SCCY participants and their parents

Marijuana Prevention


Research shows that most young teens think marijuana is less harmful than other drugs or alcohol. Current research also shows that young people do not have access to all the information regarding the effects of marijuana use on a developing brain, the neuroscience of addiction, or the current California laws on medicinal and recreational Marijuana use.

The Sacramento County Coalition for Youth developed the Future Forward campaign to address these concerns. The goal is to educate the Sacramento Community, offer information and resources, and provide an opportunity to get involved in creating change to protect young people from increased accessibility to marijuana in our community.

Get the Facts:

Know Where to Start: Talking Tips for Parents

Helpful Links:

Teen educator Scott Backovich speaks before the crowd at a Sacramento Future Forward Youth Summit.
A Parent's Survival Guide to Marijuana is a video created to help parents learn more about marijuana and its effect on kids.